Richard Trogman


About Richard Trogman

Richard Trogman is the chief executive officer of Stockton Regional Rehabilitation Hospital located in Stockton, California, set to open soon. He is certain that with his extensive years of experience he can make a positive impact in operating a startup hospital. Richard plans to work towards providing exceptional care and fostering high satisfaction levels among employees, patients, and members of the community. As a seasoned healthcare executive in the Los Angeles metropolitan area Richard proudly describes himself as a progressive healthcare leader.


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Richard is someone who takes the time to nurture and honor his conscience, the inner moral compass that helps him maintain lifelong integrity. He repeatedly shows people that he cares by demonstrating genuine, unselfish concern for their well-being. In addition to being empathetic, kind, and charitable, Richard Trogman is also known for being considerate. From a very early age, Richard set an outstanding example of how to own your decisions and had the insight to see how decisions affect others. This is one of the reasons he has been such an excellent mentor and teacher as well as a team leader throughout the past 25 years of his impressive career managing operations and improving the care for both owned and contracted hospitals. Richard also has the confidence to ask for and receive feedback productively, and he uses these tools to enhance and nurture his relationships with peers and clients. Richard Trogman is known for being an eloquent communicator and innovative problem solver with experience in organizational planning, multimillion-dollar operational budgets, capital projects, contract negotiations, and staff development. He possesses a facilitative leadership style that results in high levels of employee, patient, and physician satisfaction.

As an active philanthropist, Richard Trogman supports multiple causes that are near and dear to his heart. His altruism has been recognized throughout the healthcare industry as well as within his own community. The American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) is a professional association with approximately 48,000 members devoted to ethics, leadership, diversity, lifelong learning, and inclusiveness in the healthcare industry. It is an honor to be named a Fellow and no surprise that Richard Trogman holds that distinguished title. His knowledge and experience, advanced education, healthcare management experience, volunteer hours, and multiple recommendations contributed to Richard Trogman receiving his well-deserved Fellowship. With his Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) from Kaiser Permanente, Richard has also proven himself to be a specialist in detecting issues, doing data analysis, and developing solutions that save costs while maintaining or increasing quality.

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